Sunday 1 July 2012


Remember nothing and you will become nothing. Those are words to live by.
Bad things will happen. There will be moments when you want to kick yourself upside the head for things you do or say. That's alright. It's perfectly normal.
But when these things happen, we often are revisited by their shame and pain throughout life. If you let this happen, it will destroy you. You will be left hating yourself, stuck in a broken-down shell of depression. Believe me, this is not a place you ever want to be.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
They say it's hard to forgive. Maybe it's true. But for people like me, at least, it's forgiving myself that is most difficult. But you have to. There really is no other way.
You have to accept the past. To do so, you must understand that what you did was wrong (stupid, cruel, dangerous, destructive, whatever it happens to be). Next, you have to find something-- anything-- good that happened. Hold on to it tight, because sometimes it's all you've got. Now you have to laugh or smile about it. Alright, maybe what happened could have been a lot worse. Maybe it was even a little bit funny. Allow the thought that you can make mistakes, just like everyone else. It doesn't make us imperfect. Rather, admitting that we can all make mistakes, even to ourselves, is what makes us truly perfect.
The next step is perhaps the hardest. It is sef-acceptance. Acknowledge the fact that you must accept the past to move into the future. You cannot go through life with a hate-filled and sorrow-filled heart. Because, really, that is no life at all.
It's okay to think badly of what you've done. It's okay to mess up. But it is not okay to continually torment over what has happened. It's done, it's over with, it's time to move on.
Think of it as a lesson. Learn and use those mistakes and events to understand the present and create a better future. This is the reason we learn about history and events that shook our world. So that we do not repeat those mistakes, so that we find a better way to do things.
Once you've done everything neccessary to heal, there is only one thing left to do. And that is to live. Go through life in full acceptance that you are not perfect and are entitled to make mistakes, just like everyone else. Understand that everyone is allowed to be happy in their own way. And always, always, forgive, for it is the only way to heal the wounds of the mind and soul.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Quotes by me

I have a book. It's a special red notebook, in which I write descriptive paragraphs and my deepest thoughts. Sometimes I do quotes. Everything ever done in this book is hand written by me, created by myself alone, written only in pencil. Here are some examples.

"We often mistake invisible for non-existent."

"I know that I should always be myself. But what if I don't know who I am?"

"Why is it that memories of devastation pierce us more deeply than those of elation?"

"Ignorance is the black pit from which stems all cruelty."

"It is both a wonderful and terrible truth that no matter what you do, you will always be yourself."

"Even the dung beetle can be beautiful to the right eyes."

"Inspiration is seeing beauty and turning it into beauty within yourself."

"The bravest person is the one who is afraid and yet decides to face his fears despite this."

"Just when we believe we have seen it all, we realize that we were blind the entire time."

Springtime 2012

Spring, the time when life returns to the land, when the ice melts and flowers bloom, when trees flourish and the butterflies flutter so gracefully past. Everything sings of rebirth, from the twittering of birds to the buzzing of bees. Everywhere you look, there is color. The green of plants and the gold of sun and the lovely azure of the sky. Could nature be any more lovely?

Thursday 19 April 2012

Lexi's Birthday

Yesterday, the 18th of April, was my sister's birthday.
Happy Birthday, Lex!
We didn't do much, seeing as we'll be actually celebrating on friday.
But there is one big thing that happened. I have to tell you in advance, it was not planned, and it is one hundred percent true.
So me and Lex are walking home from school.
Just as we get to the bottom of the steps, Mama yells, "Don't open the door."
We were wondering what was wrong when suddenly something moved, right by the door.
It was an orange cat, crusted through with muck, so thin you'd have thought it was anorexic.
But what really showed was how it was missing chucks of fur, and how there were wounds all over her hind legs.
We looked at each other and slowly took a step back.
We'd often see wild cats around, and were warned about tom cats, and how they might be vicious, rabid, diseased, or otherwise dangerous.
We panicked. "What do we do?" we whispered urgently to each other.
And then something special happened.
The cat looked right at us, and gave a soft, helpless miaow.
"Awww," we chorused.
It just won us over completely.
And we saw the cat with new eyes, saw it's condition with worried eyes.
We went into the house immediately, and spoke with the family.
It turned out that the cat had already won the others over, too.
Dad said that it was a very nice cat. She wanted nothing but to be your best friend.
So we were allowed to touch her, and give her food, and bring her to the garage.
Now she has a bed, a heat lamp, a litter box, food and water, and a loving home, depsite it being in the garage.
Later that day lex looked at me with tears in her eyes, and said, "this is the best birthday present ever."
How could we ever give her up now? She made Lex so happy, and it was great because it was her birthday too.
So the cat-- now dubbed 'Friendly'-- has become a part of the family, if only temporarily.
All in all, it was a happy day for her.

Sunday 15 April 2012


Lately, I've been thinking about easter. And with it, the horror of Jesus's sacrifice.
It made me feel terrible to think that we murdered him. And why? Out of fear? Out of worry? In any case, it should have seemed rather pointless. He healed, he tought, he saved.
And so what ws the point of his destruction?
Answer: there was none.
It was our own stupidity that killed him.
But, at the same time, I can see his side.
He was more than willing to give his life for us, despite the fact that we were not neccessarily always worthy of such a gift.
I would have done the same for my family, for those that I love.
I can see that you can't watch those you love, those you live for, to let them die a final death, to have them disappear forever.
Why do we remember this sacrifice in particular?
Because it means that every one of us may ressurect, despite our actions. That we will live after death. that, in the end, we truly do not die.
We will be forgiven for all we have done-- and, in that, we can finally forgive ourselves.
But the biggest reason we remember this story when so many others fade away is the knowledge that each and every one of us is loved unconditionally.
As horrible as it may be that someone has to die for us, is it not comforting that there is a person, no matter how far away, that accepts us, that cares for us enough to give his life?
The sad part is, we begin to forget the wonder of such a miracle in the face of gifts and time off work.
That's all a holiday means nowadays... a day off, free time, gifts....
We remember, of course, but, in the light of more current events, does it really mean very much?
May we never forget the love and acceptance given to us. If we forgot about love, would there be anything left for us?

Photo Challenge Cancellation

I never really found the time to update my blog with the photots, and now my camera card is full and I can't take anymore pictures. Sorry it's taken so long to write anything.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Video Art

This first video blew me away, and still continues to do so. This man is absolutely phenomenal. I can't believe that it is a painting. Never mind that, I can't believe that it comes from this planet. His works are absolutely magnificent. Fair warning, though. It's a bit dizzying at the end. Enjoy:
This is a beautiful song,with such descriptive lyrics. As well, it is from Breaking Dawn. I love the books.They are what truly made me a lover of books, and are a major contributing factor to my writing. It's like moral support, knowledge, entertainment, and wonder all wrapped into a beautifully designed little package.
This song is one of the most beautiful, hypnotic, and wonderful I have come across. Taylor Swift is such an amazing artist. She is beautiful and dedicated, and, of all things, herself. This song was written for the Hunger Games. It really is a shame that it was never used, but, nevertheless, we all know that it should have fit in.

From a great movie, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It has such touching themes while still managing to stay fun and loving. This is played by a young girl, Noelle, who was 12 at the time.
P.S. No copyright intended.