Sunday, 15 April 2012


Lately, I've been thinking about easter. And with it, the horror of Jesus's sacrifice.
It made me feel terrible to think that we murdered him. And why? Out of fear? Out of worry? In any case, it should have seemed rather pointless. He healed, he tought, he saved.
And so what ws the point of his destruction?
Answer: there was none.
It was our own stupidity that killed him.
But, at the same time, I can see his side.
He was more than willing to give his life for us, despite the fact that we were not neccessarily always worthy of such a gift.
I would have done the same for my family, for those that I love.
I can see that you can't watch those you love, those you live for, to let them die a final death, to have them disappear forever.
Why do we remember this sacrifice in particular?
Because it means that every one of us may ressurect, despite our actions. That we will live after death. that, in the end, we truly do not die.
We will be forgiven for all we have done-- and, in that, we can finally forgive ourselves.
But the biggest reason we remember this story when so many others fade away is the knowledge that each and every one of us is loved unconditionally.
As horrible as it may be that someone has to die for us, is it not comforting that there is a person, no matter how far away, that accepts us, that cares for us enough to give his life?
The sad part is, we begin to forget the wonder of such a miracle in the face of gifts and time off work.
That's all a holiday means nowadays... a day off, free time, gifts....
We remember, of course, but, in the light of more current events, does it really mean very much?
May we never forget the love and acceptance given to us. If we forgot about love, would there be anything left for us?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee-Amber. I remembered that you told me you had a blog, so tonight I did a little searching online and was so happy to come across it. I enjoy your writing/thoughts very much, as well as your photos. Thank you so much for sharing.
