Thursday, 15 March 2012


Bullying hurts. It sucks.It has no point in life but to cause us misery. Or so it seems.
When people feel pain, especially when inflicted by another, they feel that if the person felt what they were going through they would stop.
Fair enough. In many cases, this works.
However, in most cases, the truth is that the person who is hurting you is feeling just as much pain as you are.
I was bullied. When I first started school, there was a person in my class who was very cruel to me. She hurt me emotionally, physically, and quite deeply. I knew that she was being mean.
But what I didn't know was the reason.
Some family memebers were treating her unkindly as well, and so to feel strong she hurt me.
But who does this help? No one, that's who.
This person was went away to a rehabilitaion of sorts.
When she came back, she appologized and asked for forgiveness.
And right away, I accepted and we became friends.
I was just a little three-year-old.
But, sometimes, age is not a marker of wisdom.
Perhaps we should take a leaf out of a child's book and place it in our own.
Consider the fact that they (people who hurt you) could be feeling pain as well. Try to forgive them, and understand the situation.
I understand that this is no easy feat. And yet, it is doubly difficult to maintain a grudge, thus making everyone miserable.
If there was just a little more love in the world, just a tad more understanding, would these things happen?
There is no way to know. Not unless we do anything about it.
When obstacles are placed in our path, it is usually for our own good. It is to shape us into who we are meant to be. It doesn't seem like it most of the time.
But if you search for that tiny flicker of hope in what seems an unpenetrable darkness, you may find that the light it brings is even brighter than it once was.

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